About us

Inclusion Learning Center is a one-of-a-kind inclusive preschool program that combines enrichment and kinder preparation with individualized and supportive services. This program is designed by a Special Education Teacher, Speech Pathologist and Educational Psychologist to meet the multi-faceted needs of each child. Research shows that inclusive classrooms are beneficial for both children with and without disabilities. We believe that this is the first step to a more inclusive Central Valley!

Inclusion Learning Center is Reggio-inspired and play-based. We work on the California Preschool Foundations (Kinder Prep) through play-based activities and experiences. We are currently able to serve children ages 2 to 5 years old.

We envision a world where all individuals have access to an inclusive society, where our differences are accepted and celebrated.  Inclusion Learning Center aims to set the educational foundation for children through: providing ongoing support for families and delivering excellent services for children. 

“Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning”

—Diane Ackerman

Apply for Inclusion Learning Center today.